RT @ChurchinCanada: “Each night when I pray, I ask the Lord to bless all who are burdened with grief, pain, loneliness, and sadness... Our hearts, individually and collectively, go out to you, and our prayers go to God in your behalf.” M. Russell Ballard pic.twitter.com/rhsoDf72hM posted at 11:24:03
RT @ChurchinCanada: “It [the Book of Mormon] abolishes forever the false concepts that revelation ended with the Bible and that the heavens are sealed today.” President Russell M. Nelson. pic.twitter.com/ITwyzsKfoC posted at 16:54:42
RT @the_churchnews: Two siblings, Michael and Elizabeth Christensen, from the Del Mar California Stake, noticed that their community had lost its closeness since the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns. The teens are using their high school JustServe club to bring their community closer together. JustServe… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pic.twitter.com/OtjonKqDU3 posted at 16:54:49
RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The First Presidency has released the open house and dedication dates for the Cobán Guatemala, Salta Argentina and Taylorsville Utah Temples. They also announced the location of the Cuernavaca Mexico Temple. Each temple is a house of the Lord. Latter-day Saints worship in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pic.twitter.com/UI98qHzDxW posted at 08:24:00
RT @ChurchinCanada: President Henry B. Eyring explained: "For some, feeling spiritual light comes easily. For others, spiritual light can be difficult to feel because of personal struggles or worldly distractions. But if we are faithful, light will come—at times in ways we do not expect." posted at 09:04:40
RT @ChurchinCanada: “Removing the negative is great, but if you don’t plug up that gaping hole with something good, you risk either regressing or putting something equally negative in its place.” Eliza Broadbent pic.twitter.com/5v6qKuWujE posted at 06:59:03
RT @ldsconf: Resources from the Church of Jesus Christ provide guidance for ministering to someone with grief, and how to cope with grief and loss. ow.ly/oJTb50QmFwc posted at 09:27:04
RT @ldsconf: Stories of Captain Moroni and the title of liberty, Helaman’s stripling warriors, and Samuel the Lamanite will be among the 45 episodes featured. ow.ly/91IA50QmFAR posted at 16:54:18
RT @the_churchnews: Stakes in California, Georgia, Idaho and Utah, and around the world in Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico Peru, Scotland and Thailand were reorganized. www.thechurchnews.com/callings/2023/… posted at 23:47:04
RT @AndersenNeilL: Each of you has a spiritual destiny. You are on a journey through mortality, with a specific mission to accomplish here on earth unique to you. In this new year, you will face challenges. However, you are a son or daughter of God, made in His image. He made your spirit strong… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pic.twitter.com/GY5pfLJOok posted at 23:40:32
RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called new mission presidents and companions for 144 missions worldwide. The new leadership couples will begin their three-year service in July. With the summer opening of 36 new missions announced in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pic.twitter.com/4cxyjqS1QO posted at 18:18:53
RT @ldsconf: "It is a profound miracle in my life, that I have come to know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God," Elder Dale G. Renlund says. ow.ly/BtXq50QocLv posted at 01:21:57
RT @the_churchnews: In 2023, 11 temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were dedicated by members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. That is the most in a calendar year since 27 houses of the Lord were dedicated in 2000, the year the Church was rushing to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pic.twitter.com/bapaxMC5BU posted at 11:28:55
RT @the_churchnews: While in Fiji, President Emily Belle Freeman ministered to and counseled with youth, participated in a humanitarian aid project with SolarBuddy and met local pioneer members of the Church. www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2023/1… posted at 11:37:02
RT @the_churchnews: As the Church marks the publication of the 200 millionth copy of @thebookofmormon Elder @DaleGRenlund reminded all of the book’s purpose: “It is to invite people to come to Christ, be converted to Him, become His disciple, and get on and stay on the covenant path.”… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… posted at 17:27:39
RT @ldsconf: Kade Madsen, of Honeyville, Utah, has temporarily left bull riding in the prime of his career to serve the Lord for two years in Nashville, Tennessee. ow.ly/s69c50QmFeT posted at 17:28:09
RT @ldsconf: No balloting, no set timetables for filling a vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; a call comes by revelation to the Prophet and President of the Church. ow.ly/MLTF50QmFs7 posted at 17:29:27
RT @ldsconf: Data released in October 2023 was collected over 10 years, from interviews with 1.5 million people across 152 countries and territories. ow.ly/W4az50QmBVU posted at 17:29:33
① スパイスをそのまま煮込んで出す。
② そのまま煮込み、完成したらカレーの中から根気よく取り除く。
③ テンパリング後のスパイスをティーバッグに入れて煮込む。